10 Quotes & Sayings By Le Modesitt Jr

L.E. Modesitt Jr., a native of Indiana, is a graduate of Purdue University and received his M.A. from the University of Iowa. He became a Fulbright scholar at the University of Geneva in Switzerland and holds a Ph.D Read more

from Iowa State University. He is the author of the Recluse Saga and The Saga of Recluce series, as well as numerous short stories and two novellas. He also writes science fiction stories under the name "John F.


Hatred is a form of faith, distilled by passion to...
Hatred is a form of faith, distilled by passion to remove all rationality. L.E. Modesitt Jr.
In politics, looking at the big picture is the most convenient way to avoid getting bogged down in annoying little details, like the facts. That's why politicians always talk in generalities, such as "balancing the budget" or "obtaining justice under law" or "maintaining meaningful employment, " when they really mean "massive spending cuts in programs advocated by my opens, " or "creating a religious loophole for my largest contributor, " or "keeping open a redundant and wasteful government facility in my district. L.E. Modesitt Jr.
The only absolute truth is change, and death is the only way to stop change. Life is a series of judgments on changing situations, and no ideal, no belief fits every solution. Yet humans need to believe in something beyond themselves. Perhaps all intelligences do. If we do not act on higher motivations, then we can justify any action, no matter how horrible, as necessary for our survival. We are endlessly caught between the need for high moral absolutes–which will fail enough that any absolute can be demonstrated as false–and our tendency for individual judgments to degenerate into self-gratifying and unethical narcissism. Trying to force absolutes on others results in death and destruction, yet failing to act beyond one's self also leads to death and destruction, generally a lot sooner. . L.E. Modesitt Jr.
I was trying to foment a little dissension.' He paused. 'No, that's too flippant. How about trying to make the system less warlike–injecting a little love?' He snorted. 'Through violence, of course, like all religious reformers. L.E. Modesitt Jr.
Can violence and the use of force to effect change upon the universe be left to the young? Do they see what was, what is, and what might yet be? Have they suffered, watched evil fall upon the good, or good upon the evil? Or should the burden of violence be left to those who can bear it most lightly–upon those who have closed their minds or their feelings? How can they understand the suffering that they must inflict? Should the burden of force be laid upon the short-lived, who will not see the consequences of their actions? How can they dispense force with compassion if they can escape the knowledge of what they do?.. The greater the force brought to bear, the older and wiser must be the entity who wields it. Wisdom allows sorrow. Age allows experience, and knowledge reinforces wisdom and experience.. Those who would bear the burden of force must be those who are strong and do not seek it, for those who seek force would misuse it, and those who are weak would shy from what they must . L.E. Modesitt Jr.
The end is always the same. That's why what we do does matter. Good or bad, we die. If we bring some light and prosperity into the world, isn't that better than there being less light? L.E. Modesitt Jr.
The great fault of logic is that it seems so reasonable, even when it is not. L.E. Modesitt Jr.
Behind your reaction is a feeling that whatever is 'true' must be able to be expressed logically. Men, in particular, have a tendency to confuse correct logic with an accurate assessment of a situation. Be careful of any situation that you have to reason through logically, because if you have to work to reason it out, you're probably missing something. L.E. Modesitt Jr.
The greatest of all faults in a politician, and in any leader, is the failure to recognize that charisma has nothing to do with ability, excellence, or goodness. In fact, charisma enables far more the evils of the universe than great and worthy accomplishments, Give me pedestrian accomplishments over charisma any day. L.E. Modesitt Jr.